We solve your certificate management problems, and transfer your risk!
Does Managing and Verifying your Certificates of Insurance cause you to...
Feel overwhelmed because it’s a never ending task?
Wonder if you are gathering the right information?
Feel worried that your company might still be exposed?
At COI-Verify We Can Simplify, Automate, & Transfer.
We simplify the task so it doesn’t feel overwhelming, and automate the process to let you focus on more important things
while transferring the risk and exposure to the appropriate party.

Introducing Virtual Risk Manager
COI-VERIFY “thinks like” an insurance risk manager. Embedded risk management logic protects your bottom line by ensuring that risk is transferred to the party that created it and all contract requirements have been met.
Professionally Managed. Your Insurance Agent manages the system on your behalf or one of our Certified Agents can do it for you....You Pick what works best for you.
Dynamic Reporting assures you the visibility and structure to know you are always covered.
COI-VERIFY’s unique process reduces your risk and exposure so your team can focus on growing your company.
Three Simple Steps to get Started…
We talk to understand your current process.
We connect with your current agent or we connect you to one of our Certified Agents...You Pick
We transfer your risk to limit your exposure.
“Finally, managing our certificates of insurance does not feel like a never ending paper chase. With COI-VERIFY™ we moved from an Excel spreadsheet and a notebook full of paper certificates that often left our company exposed to a state of the art solution that allows our team to focus on growing our company.”
Mitch F. - Market Manager
“We made a business decision to notify our subcontractors, vendors, and service providers that their insurance agents would be required to upload Certificates of Insurance into our COI-VERIFY online account as a condition to be paid. We had some initial push back from some agents. But, when their insureds explained that it was a requirement to get paid, we had 100% compliance within 60 days from the launch of COI-VERIFY™.”
Judd S. – Custom Builder